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Ondemand FAQs

Please Note: At the conclusion of your program, please download your certificate of attendance AND save it to your computer. At certain times of the year, i.e. : compliance deadline, The SC Commission on CLE & Specialization require you to attach this certificate as well as writing it in on your final compliance report.

How do I log into my account?

Log in to your account by using your SC Bar username and password. If you cannot remember your password, select the “forgot password” button. To re-set your password, please follow the onscreen directions. Please do not use these unusual characters # * & % = . ' " as our system does not accept these. If you do not get a response via email about your password, please call Robin Genovese at (803) 771-0333, or email her at She will send you a new password. If username and passwords are correct, and you are still having trouble logging into your account, or you are logged in and cannot complete your purchase, first try a different browser. You may also log out, clear your browser’s history, and log back in. We recommend using Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. 

If you have ordered your programs and they do not appear in your classroom, DO NOT order them again, please log out, clear your browser and re-log back in. After these steps you should now see your programs.

What if I need to register for a CLE or purchase a book, and I don't have a login?

If you are a law student or non-SC Bar Member and need to register for a CLE program or purchase a publication, you can create an account. To create a new account, visit this page and follow the instructions carefully. Once you have created your account it is advised that you close all browsers and start afresh at

PLEASE NOTE: DO NOT create a new account if you are a current South Carolina Bar member or a past South Carolina Bar member returning to practice.

How do I access my on-demand program?

Once you are logged in, click on Shop CLE, hover over On-Demand CLE, and select Access your Online Classroom/Certificate. From the next screen, click on the Green Go To My Online Classroom button. 

Before you launch your program, please update, or verify your credit reporting organization under My Profile. Under My Profile you will see Account Preferences. Click on Add or Edit Credit Reporting Organizations and make sure that your Credit Reporting Organizations show the correct organizations, such as Course of Study, Rule 403, or South Carolina Supreme Court Commission on CLE and Specialization. Note: you will not be awarded CLE credit, and you will not be able to get a Certificate of Completion at the end of the program unless your credit reporting organization is listed as the Commission on CLE and Specialization. 

For your ID Number please enter your SC Bar Number if you have one. Once completed go back to your Account Profile and beside Streaming Classroom “click here to proceed to your classroom.” Click on the title of your program and then click on Start or View Now. You will need to “Accept the Privacy Policy” to proceed. If you want to download your program materials, first click on Download and these will download onto your computer to save and/or print out. After you have clicked Start or View Now your program video will appear in a new viewer browser.

I have purchased an on-demand program. Is there a time limit in which to access and complete the program?

You have 30 days from the purchase date to access and complete your program before expiration. There are NO EXCEPTIONS.

May I pause the program at any time?

If you are viewing an on-demand program, you may pause the course at any time. If you want to log out, close the browser. To restart your program either hit the play button (triangle) or log back in using the log in procedure and click resume and your program should pick up where you left off. You cannot fast forward the program at any time.

My on-demand program has stopped. What is my solution?

Be sure you are connected to the Internet.

Click on your browser’s refresh button (top left of screen, circular button with arrow). Then click on the triangular “play” button on your screen.

If your program is still not playing, try switching to a different browser such as Google Chrome, Safari or FireFox. You will need to log out completely and log back into your Bar account, navigate to your classroom and your program should launch at the point the program stopped.

If you’re still experiencing audio or video technical issues, you may email  or call 1-866-702-3278.

How do I retrieve my certificate of completion?

You must hit all checkpoints. Generally, in a one-hour program there is one and for a six-hour program two. If you do not hit all checkpoints, you will not be able to retrieve your Certificate of Completion. The checkpoint will be accompanied by the first four notes of the Big Ben chime and will be displayed/heard on your screen for approximately 90 seconds. If you have an ad blocker enabled or other restrictive Internet settings, you may not be able to click on the checkpoints.

You must watch the entire program until it is completely finished. If you close the program before this, you will not be able to retrieve your Certificate of Completion. This is true even if the program exceeds the advertised running time or credit amount. Once the program has finished, please make sure the Credit Reporting Organization and your Membership Number is either added or updated. You are able to update by clicking on the pencil (teal) button next to that information. Check the “I confirm the above information is correct” and the click on the Submit Credit button. Click on the Certificate button and you can download the Certificate to your computer.

If you do not immediately access your Certificate or need another copy of your certificate you may navigate back to your account. You will need to log back into your Bar account and follow the steps under “how do I access my on-demand program”. When you are in your account click on My Profile, click on My Programs, and click on the name of the program. Click on Obtain Certificate of Completion button, click Accept and click on Certificate. This will download to your computer for your records and/or to print out.

Is clicking on the program checkpoints sufficient to ensure that I receive credit for viewing my program?

No. In order for us to report your full credits, you must not only click on all program checkpoints, but you must also retrieve your Certificate of Completion, which will be available only at the conclusion of the program.

How do I Interpret My Certificate of Completion?

Your Certificate will include your name, your Bar Number, and the exact credits for the program. Total MCLE credit are listed first. If your program also includes LEPR, Mental Health/Substance Abuse, or Specialization credits, those credits are listed below your MCLE credits. Keep in mind that you may not claim more than the total MCLE credits on line 1.

What are the rules and limitations for Alternative Delivered Medium programming?

Pursuant to S.C. Supreme Court Commission on CLE and Specialization Regulation Appendix C, V., B., 3 “CLE credit earned through online or telephone courses and applied to the annual fourteen (14) hour minimum requirement shall not exceed eight (8) hours of credit per reporting year.” In addition, you may not carry forward any hours earned online to the following reporting year.

Why is my on-demand course not showing as completed on the SC Commission's website?

Between March and December, a weekly report is sent by mail to the Commission on CLE detailing completion of SC Bar CLE online programs. During January and February, we send daily reports. Please keep in mind that it takes time for the Commission to update their system (which is not connected with the SC Bar). If you have questions about your MCLE status, please contact the SC Commission on CLE & Specialization at or 803-799-5578.

How can I receive CLE credit in a jurisdiction outside of South Carolina for viewing an SC Bar CLE Program?

Check with the other jurisdiction to see whether the SC Bar CLE Division is an accredited provider in that jurisdiction. If so, check to see whether your program has already been accredited.

Find out whether the type of program is available for accreditation in that jurisdiction. For instance, some jurisdictions do not accept SC Bar CLE programs on law office management, marketing, or mental health.

Determine what paperwork/forms and payments you must provide to the other jurisdiction (for example, program agenda, speaker bios, course materials, Certificate of Completion, etc.). Note: We are unable to submit individual programs for credit in jurisdictions outside of SC.

Is financial aid available for SC Bar CLE programs?

Yes. The South Carolina Bar Foundation administers the Ronnie Cole Scholarship, a needs-based scholarship available to SC Bar members in good standing and may be used only for SC Bar CLE programs. Contact the SC Bar Foundation at (803) 765-0517 or visit this page for more information.

Does the CLE Big Ticket cover On-Demand programs?

Yes. Most On-Demand programs are covered by the CLE Big Ticket and are designated as such in the program entry. You must still order the programs you want. You will be given a zero balance on checkout for all covered programs.

Does SC Bar have Closed-Captioning Within Their On-Demand programs?

You can set your browser-based settings to display closed-captioning. Chrome, Safari and Edge are the only browser options at this time. To get full information to change that within your own browser-based setting please click here.

For additional questions email

Can I Obtain SC CLE Credit in Other Jurisdictions?

Yes, but it is all on the attorney/firm. The South Carolina Bar is an accredited CLE provider in South Carolina ONLY. Attorneys are responsible for seeking their own credit in other jurisdictions.