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Note: When you submit emails to the SC Bar through to confirm that you have taken all 11 programs please also copy Bar Admissions at (YOU DO NOT NEED CERTIFICATES OF COMPLETION) the confirmation from SC Bar to the Office of Bar Admissions is not automatically generated. For example, if you email during non office hours the staff personnel will not be able to submit to Office of Bar Admissions until office hours.  Please do NOT submit multiple emails. SC Bar sends over daily reports at noon to Bar Admissions with your name that you have completed all 11 programs from your confirmation email. Once this report has been sent if you need any additional questions answered regarding completion you need to contact Bar Admissions.

Note: Do NOT call or email asking for a confirmation receipt email on completion of your (11) modules. Once completed you must email to report you have finished all 11 modules, and we will send your name and information over to Bar Admissions. If you have any concerns after this action, please call the Office of Bar Admissions.

1. What is the course of study on South Carolina law?

The Course of Study (COS) is a series of eleven (11) video modules on major practice areas of South Carolina law. Modules are designed to acquaint SC Bar admission applicants with SC law that differs from national, regional, or federal practice. Each video is taught by experienced South Carolina practitioners and leading academics. The modules run from 30-50 minutes in length, may be viewed in any order, and do not need to be viewed in one sitting. Written materials do not accompany the videos. At the end of each module, applicants will be prompted to answer a three-question test composed of true-false or multiple choice questions. Questions are randomly generated from a larger pool of questions. In order to successfully complete each module and move on to the next module, the applicant must answer all three questions correctly. Applicants will have three opportunites (3) to correctly answer all three questions. Failure to answer all three questions correctly will mean that the applicant will have to email to request another test. It is encouraged that you take notes whilst watching these video's. Ultimately, the applicant must view and successfully answer the questions for all eleven modules. Successful completion of all eleven modules is a requirement for admission to practice law in South Carolina.

2. How do I access the course of study modules?

Once the South Carolina Supreme Court Office of Bar Admissions accepts your Application for Admission, your contact information will be provided to the SC Bar. The SC Bar will create an account for you, which will include a unique Username and Password. The Office of Bar Admissions will provide you your Username and Password and a link to the SC Bar COS home page. You will be able to use your Username and Password to log into your account so that you can register for and access the COS video modules.

3. Is there a charge for viewing the COS modules?

No, the modules are free.

4. Once I have registered for (ie., “purchased”) one or more module(s), how long before I can view it?

Please allow up to 30 minutes for modules to load into your “classroom.” If you "purchase" these courses at the weekend they will NOT be available to launch and view until the following Monday.

5. What is my deadline for completing the course of study?

The Office of Bar Admissions will notify applicants when proof of completion of the COS must be received by that office.

6. How do I provide notification to the Office of Bar Admissions that I have successfully completed the COS?

Once you have completed all eleven (11) modules (there is no need to download certificates) you must notify the SC Bar at that you have successfully completed the COS - YOU DO NOT NEED CERTIFICATES OF COMPLETION and also copy Bar Admissions at Please include your NCBE number in this communication, otherwise this will not be processed. The SC Bar will then verify and certify to the Office of Bar Admissions that you have completed the COS. After they receive certification of completed COS modules and you have completed all other requirements for admission, the Office of Bar Admissions will notify you that you are eligible to be sworn-in.  Please note: between the SC Bar and Office of Bar Admissions your communication from Bar Admissions could take a couple of weeks. PLEASE DO NOT PROCRASTINATE!

7. Who do I contact if I have questions about log-in, or the registration/purchase process?

For these questions, contact the SC Bar at The Bar’s offices are open from 9am-5pm, Monday through Friday. Questions will be answered in the order they are received. You will receive an answer by no later than the end of the next business day. Please provide a day time phone number. If you take your COS within 3 years of taking and failing the Bar Exam you will have to re-take these courses and quizzes again, as Bar Admissions will not accept COS that is three years or older. You will need to email to request program clearance set-up.

8. Who do I contact if I have technical questions relating to module streaming, technical difficulties with module loading or launching?

For these questions, contact the Customer Service Department at Abila Freestone at 1-866-702-3278, or Technical support is available 24/7.

9. Who do I contact if I have questions about Bar admission requirements, deadlines, or swearing-in dates or ceremonies?

For these questions, contact the Office of Bar Admissions at 803-734-1080, or visit Office of Bar Admissions. The Office of Bar Admissions accepts calls between 9am and 2pm, Monday through Friday, excluding State holidays.