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Event Information

Family Law Intensive

October 27, 2023 - October 29, 2023


The SC Bar CLE-Division and the SC Bar Family Law Section invite you to join us for an immersive three-day seminar on the topic of alimony taking place October 27-29, at the Hyatt Place + Hyatt House Charleston/Historic District 560 King Street, Charleston, SC.  This seminar will focus on dealing with one of the most difficult topics in family law and will be a combination of an in-depth legal analysis and practical applications.  The faculty is comprised of top family court practitioners and CPA experts from across South Carolina who will address situations you may have or may yet to encounter in your practice.  From hot tips to panel discussions, this seminar will cover the impact of retirement on alimony, creative ways to structure an alimony obligation, the intersection of assets and alimony, obligations for self-support, modifying existing alimony obligations, determining alimony in a high-net worth situations, determining a standard of living, and many more.  Come join us for this informative CLE, while also having a chance to socialize with your colleagues outside the office and court.  This CLE is limited to the first 60 registrants, so don't miss your chance to register! 

This seminar is an advanced level program.  This program qualifies for 12 MCLE; 1.0 LEPR; 1.0 SA/MH credit hours

SC Supreme Court Commission on CLE Course # 933278

Join us at the Hyatt Place + Hyatt House Charleston/Historic District

560 King Street, Charleston, SC

Reserve your room now at the link below or by calling the number below:

Click Here

1-877-803-7534 with the group code SCBA. 

The cutoff date to book in this block is September 28th, 2023. 


Thank you to our Sponsors:





The South Carolina Bar is an accredited CLE provider in South Carolina only. Attorneys are responsible for seeking their own credit in other jurisdictions.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in CLE programs and publications do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the South Carolina Bar, its sections, or committees.

Registration Fees

Family Law Section Member Reistration
Non Member Registration
Non-Family Law Section Member Registration
Price Description Amount



NameOrganizationSpeaking At
Alexander Cash
Cash Law Firm, LLC  -
Annamarie Joseph
Annamarie Joseph, CFP, CDFA  -
Ashby Jones
Ashby Jones and Associates LLC  -
Brendan Barth
Barth, Ballenger & Lewis, LLP  -
Britton Hawk
Hawk and Hawk Law Firm, LLC  -
Chris Paton
Chris Paton LLC  -
Christopher Leventis
Leventis Financial, LLC  -
J. Cole
Northwestern Mutual  -
James McLaren
McLaren & Lee  -
Jennifer Creech
Law Office of Jennifer M. Creech, LLC  -
Jessica Christophillis
Christophillis & Gallivan, P.A.  -
Jill HaLevi
Office of Jill E.M. HaLevi, Mediation & Legal Svc.  -
John Jolley
Jolley Law Group, LLC  -
Jonathan Lounsberry
Killoren, Kissinger, Dantin, Denton & Dunham, P.C.  -
Kevin Barth
Barth, Ballenger & Lewis, LLP  -
Lauren McCarthy
Elliott Davis  -
Leigh Sellers
Touchstone Family Law  -
Leslie Sarji
Marie-Louise Ramsdale
Ramsdale Law Firm  -
Mary Quindlen
Quindlen Law Firm, P.A.  -
Natalie Bluestein
Bluestein & Douglas, LLC  -
Peter Tiffany
Bradshaw, Gordon & Clinkscales, LLC  -
Rebecca West
Harling & West, LLC  -
Rebecca Creel
Creel Family Law, LLC  -
Richard Livingston
Forvis  -
Robert Stevens
Clark & Stevens, PA  -


Continuing Education



1:30 p.m.                    


Refreshments Sponsored by Soberlink


2:00 p.m.        

Retirement Impact on Alimony

Robert E. Stevens, Clark & Stevens, P.A.

John Jolley, Jolley Law Group, LLC

 J. Michael Cole, Northwestern Mutual


3:00 pm

Alimony Considerations with Military Retirement

Mary Fran Quindlen, Quindlen Law Firm. P.A.         


4:00 p.m.

Ways to Pay

Marie-Louise Ramsdale, Esquire, Ramsdale Law Firm LLC

Richard Livingston, CPA, FORVIS


5:00 p.m.                    



5:00 - 6:30 p.m.         

Welcome Reception – Hyatt Place- Grand Magnolia Foyer

Sponsored by SC Bar- Family Law Section


Saturday, October 28th


8:00 a.m.                    


BreakfastSponsored by Forvis


9:00 a.m.                    

Assets and Alimony

Rebecca West, Harling & West, LLC

Lauren McCarthy, CPA


10:00 a.m.                  

Child Support:  How to make child support work for your client

Leigh Sellers, Touchstone Family Law 

Annamarie Joseph, CFP, CDFA


11:00 a.m.                  



11:15 a.m.                  

How to Avoid Lawyer Burnout, and How to Deal with it if you Are Burned Out – A Father & Son’s View

This presentation is designed to alert lawyers, young and old, to the fact that lawyer burnout is a legitimate mental health condition that does not go away on its own.  The presentation focuses on the various reasons that lawyers tend to suffer from burnout, how to recognize the various stages of lawyer burnout, how to avoid it (both personally and professionally), and what to do if you find yourself suffering from lawyer burnout before it becomes an ODC problem.

Kevin M. Barth and Brendan P. Barth, Barth, Ballenger & Lewis, LLP


12:15 pm                                

Lunch - Sponsored by Leventis Financial, LLC


1:15 p.m.                    

Modification Panel

Rebecca Creel, Creel Family Law, LLC  (moderator)

Alexander B. Cash, Rosen Hagood, LLC

Ashby Jones, Kinard & Jones, LLC

Jennifer M. Creech, Jennifer M. Creech, LLC

Chris Paton, Chris Paton LLC


2:00 p.m.                    

High Net Worth/Low Net Worth panel

James T. McLaren, McLaren & Lee (moderator)

Jessica Christophillis, Christophillis & Gallivan, P.A.

Peter C. Tiffany, PA/ABV, CFF Bradshaw, Gordon & Clinkscales, LLC

Chris Leventis, CPA, CMA, CVA, CFE, Leventis Financial, LLC 


2:45 p.m.                    



3:00 p.m.

Obligations of Self Support

Leslie T. Sarji, Sarji Law Firm LLC


4:00 p.m.                    



Sunday, October 29th

 8:00 a.m. 

Breakfast- Sponsored in part by AAML SC Chapter


9:00 a.m.        

Ethical Considerations in Collaborative Cases

Jill E.M. HaLevi, Office of Jill E.M. HaLevi, Mediation & Legal Svc.

Natalie P. Bluestein, Bluestein & Douglas, LLC

Britton M. Hawk, Hawk and Hawk Law Firm, LLC


10:00 a.m.                  

 Presenting an Alimony Case

Jonathan W. Lounsberry, Killoren, Kissinger, Dantin, Denton & Dunham, P.C.


11:15 am



11:30 a.m.                  

Presenting the Case Against Alimony

Mary Fran Quindlen, Quindlen Law Firm, P.A.


12:45 p.m.                  
