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Event Information

Live Webcast: Master Agreement III: Drafting Agreements for Separation & Divorce

February 14, 2023

About the Seminar and Book 

“Drafting Agreements for Separation and Divorce” is a half-day seminar featuring the newly published book, The Master Agreement, Third Edition. 

More separation and divorce cases are being settled than ever before through mediation and negotiation.  Therefore, having the proper tools and skills to explore all relevant issues and to draft comprehensive and effective agreements is a necessity.

The importance of drafting a clear, concise, and comprehensive agreement cannot be understated.  Why?  Because there will be much less likelihood of future conflict due to ambiguity and/or lack of guidance.  It will be easier to understand and follow.  It will be easier to enforce.

This seminar is designed to provide practical skills specific to the drafting of agreements and memorandums of understanding as well as utilizing a master form or outline to fully cover and organize issues in logical categories.  It will provide attendees with critical and invaluable skills and knowledge to assist, advise, and protect parties in the dissolution of their marriage. 

Seminar Highlights – Take Away

1.    The importance of utilizing a master outline and master document template for keeping the parties and divorce professionals on task!

2.    The importance of utilizing a master checklist for leaving no stone – or issue, unturned!

3.    The importance of all agreement provisions being fully integrated without conflict! 

Who Should Attend

Attorneys and mediators, both experienced and beginner.  The Master Agreement, Third Edition is an invaluable tool for any divorce law professional along with this presentation on how to use it most effectively.  Judges will also find it useful in dictating comprehensive orders. 

Level of Instruction

Basic 60%

Intermediate 30%

Advanced 10%


This program qualifies for 3.0 MCLE credit hours.


Live Webcast hours DO NOT count as "live" hours. These hours are Alternatively Delivered Medium Hours (NON-LIVE Hours). 

SC Supreme Commission on CLE Course #: 234426ADO

Registration Fees:
$250 - (includes publication - The Master Agreement: Drafting Agreements for Separation and Divorce, Third Edition by Jay M. Bultz
$125 - Paralegals (book sold separately, $150)
Big Ticket Holder: $0 (subscribers pay book retail cost of $150)

The South Carolina Bar is an accredited CLE provider in South Carolina only. Attorneys are responsible for seeking their own credit in other jurisdictions.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in CLE programs and publications do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the South Carolina Bar, its sections, or committees.

Registration Fees

CLE Big Ticket
Member Fee
Non Member Fee
SC Certified Paralegal
Price Description Amount



NameOrganizationSpeaking At
Jay Bultz
Bultz Law Offices, PA  -


Continuing Education


8:50 a.m.
Welcome and Introduction

9 a.m.
Issues Specific to Writing Agreements
Should mediators write agreements?
Should non-lawyer mediators write agreements?
For the parties - closure!
For the mediator - "end-game"!

9:30 a.m.
Tools - Outline/Checklist & Master Agreement
Everything Including the Kitchen Sink!
Parties Think They Know - Mediator Better Know!

10:30 a.m.

10:45 a.m.
Tools (Cont'd)
Master Agreement. (Why You Need One!)
How Much Detail?

11:45 a.m. Writing to Capture the Agreement
Don't Forget the Court Review and Approval!
Vernacular of the Parties?
The Intent of the Parties
Careless Language Consequences!

12:15 p.m.