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Event Information

The Complex & Courageous Campaign for Women's Suffrage & Parity: 100th Anniversary of 19th Amendment

July 16, 2021

Join the South Carolina Bar CLE Division, the ABA Judicial Division and the University of South Carolina School of Law for a celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment - The Complex and Courageous Campaign for Women's Suffrage and Parity in Our Democracy.

Registration includes a box luncheon with journalist and author Tina Cassidy. Other highlights and presentations include historical overview of women's suffrage with author and historian Marjorie Spruill. The program also will cover race, class and gender in the suffrage movement; the right to vote and right to rule;the changes in military voting procedures; as well as the modern movement toward gender equality. 

Please note that if you plan to attend live, in-person, at the UofSC School of Law seating is limited, so register early! If you missed the opportunity to attend in-person or not able to travel, you can watch the program via Live Webcast.

This seminar is an intermediate level program.

This program qualifies for 6.33 MCLE credit hours. SC Supreme Commission on CLE Course #: 217670.

Attorneys who wish to seek credit in other jurisdictions will be provided a certificate of completion. Attorney will be responsible for applying for individual credit in the relevant jurisdiction. 

Florida Rule Change - Programs approved by Florida prior to the Florida Supreme Court Order SC 21-28 remain approved for Florida credit. Florida Bar regulators have stated that attorneys will not receive Florida credit for any ABA program, even if they self-apply; speakers will not receive Florida credit for their participation in the programs; and, self-application forms submitted by attendees or speakers will not be approved. 


Registering as a Non-SC Bar Member
A non-SC Bar Member will need to create an online account. To create a new account click here and follow the instructions carefully. Once you have created your account it is advised that you close all browsers and start fresh at  PLEASE NOTE: DO NOT create a new account if you are a current South Carolina Bar member or a past South Carolina Bar member returning to practice.
Still have account or password questions?
Visit or contact Membership Services at or (803) 799-6653 (9am - 5pm EST, Monday through Friday).



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